How Acupuncture Can Boost Your Fertility

As an acupuncturist and a Traditional Chinese Medicine herbalist for over 2 decades, I have had the honor of treating many women on their journey to motherhood.

Why is acupuncture extremely helpful and recommended for fertility?

  • It improves circulation and blood flow. Research shows improving circulation in the body improves overall health, but acupuncture specifically to the reproductive areas such as the lower abdomen significantly improves circulation to the reproductive organs which improves the function of your ovaries, uterus and improves sperm health.

  • It regulates the immune system which allows the body to be more receptive to pregnancy.

  • It calms the nervous system which in itself is super beneficial to reduce stress levels, cortisol

  • levels, inflammation and enhance relaxation.

Conceiving a child involves learning how to surrender, trust, hope and receive- and the nervous system needs to feel soothed, settled and safe to create an environment that is receptive to pregnancy.

Oftentimes, herbal medicine is added to also balance and improve fertility. Prescribing herbs is never taken lightly. Herbal medicine is powerful medicine and I don’t ever give blanket recommendations for fertility. Each patient's case is unique, therefore I give very specific recommendations based on what their individual needs are.

To learn more about your fertility & how to optimize it you can book an appointment with in the clinic or virtually!


Benefits of Acupuncture with IVF, FET, IUI


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